Initial Statement

A few years ago I opened the Liberty Mile as a means to help get people better informed, but more importantly informed in such a ways as to remove the red and blue narratives that seems to be more the point of most topics than the topics themselves. The idea was to do the legwork, correlate the information, and present the unedited truth.

Unfortunately after only a few years I chose to close the Mile. The political climate and the dangers that were clearly present were just too much to ignore. What I mean to say is that it was just too dangerous to have a political opinion contrary to the establishment, many groups, or the mainstream media. Personal attacks, threats of personal/professional destruction, violence, and illegitimate legal ramifications were all readily used against anyone who spoke to the contrary. Likewise, the cancel culture still present today played a major factor. Being a free thinker but moreover an outspoken free thinker was fraught with real consequences. So, I made the safe choice and closed the Mile.

Was it the correct choice? was it the ethical choice. I’m not sure, but form me it was the safe choice. One I made after a long deliberation.

The climate today is not much better to be honest, but the rampant, blatant, and public nature with which certain elements within our government and our society are acting, I can no longer keep silent. It has become more dangerous to stay silent than to speak out. Many now understand just how corrupt the system is at every level. Lies and plausible deniability have become normal tools of doing business. Breaking the law is no longer a punishable offense, unless you’re on the wrong side of the political isle. The blatant double standards evident in nearly every facet of our government and daily life is grotesque and honestly offensive, but now it is more than that. The threat to our republic is a real, tangible threat. We cannot continue on this path as a nation and hope to see the nation as were know it; or more to fact knew it, continue.

Change starts with a single thought and a notion to take a stand. That thought that becomes an voice and that one voice fueling action, becomes many. Every single individual can make a small difference, but together people effect change.

So, now I am to a point where I can re-open the Mile. I will begin with this, my initial statement of intent, and by re-posting some of the content from the original site. I think first and foremost I will be putting out educational content to help everyone better understand our form of government and how it actually works Vs how it suppose to work. I will also include content on specific historical briefs. This is because we as a people need to have a context with which to base everything on. The Left has attacked out history. Changed it to fit their narrative and corrupted our youth into believing that narrative. Attacks on religion , the idea of the family unit, national pride, and even our biological nature as human beings have greatly weakened our society and created a large division between our people. The left has even changed the definition of our words and incited racial hatred to promote and widen this division.

Knowledge is power. Dissemination of power absolute. He who controls the flow of dissemination will rule the day. To that end I officially reopen THE LIBERTY MILE-

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