Recent Experiences

So, the idea of freedom, be it free speech, freedom of choice, your right to privacy, and more-so the right to your own opinion; among others, seems to be unimportant and honestly not really a god given right to enjoy. Unless of course you agree with the mainstream media and other groups who hold clout over the masses.

Open-Dialog is considered a bad word. When you disagree with someone; especially those who lean to the far left, your causing them harm. Safe spaces are a must and you’re deemed racist and/or fascist if you dare to speak of conservative views.

Moreover, the double standards I see being pushed and the outright idiotic ideas being pushed and shoved with great earnest, serves only a portion of our citizenry. Lies are a tool of everyday business and if you say otherwise you’re a conspiracy-theorist, even if you can prove the lie for what it is with facts and the truth.

Both sides of the isle pick and choose the laws they enforce. Both use rhetoric composed of partial truths, truths taken out of context, or outright lies to push what narratives are important to them. No one is without fault. Those who act; not in good faith towards the people, and those who fail to act allowing the bad faith actors to succeed are equally at fault for our current state.

We are traveling down a very slippery and dark path. We are moving ever-forwards towards a state of corruption that borders on insanity.

My most recent experiences have shown me that there is only one path that we as a people can take. Took be present and witness people being shamed and labeled with such malcontent and dismissal is in and of itself discrimination at its worst.

I myself have been subject to such treatment; of late, by individuals who spew their false representations of equality. Their claims that they are understanding and inclusive of every viewpoint. My words have been labeled as hate speech, as racist, and fascist. I have been called a bigot and a nationalist. I have been given other labels that I simply will not repeat.

The sad thing is I am none of these things; although, I will agree that I am a nationalist in the sense that I hold a deep seeded love for my country and take pride in its many achievements. For the most part I do not care who labels me or what I am labels as. What does bother me; no angers me, is that these people have enough power to shut down any open discussions they see fit.

There can be no progress without open debate. Discussion to pose one’s view and hear alternate views. The exchange of ideas to better a situation. No the only discussions we seem to have now are one sided and it isn’t about whats right or even what is effective in solving a problem. It’s about asserting power and pushing agendas.

No longer do we have discussion based on fact. They are based on feelings. The narrative is the most important thing; not results, and if the facts are to big to be ignored, then the facts are changed. Our history is manipulated to fit the narrative.

My heart has grow sick and my mind numbed to the constant influx of what I’m calling “The Stupid”.

Unfortunately the corruption we see in; not just our government, but or overall society is in control and without any real statesmen to fight for us, I think we are doomed to see our beloved nation die. Not is an explosion of fury, but in silence.

I just don’t get how people can think the way they do. Their actions make even less sense, but of course I am placing my sensibilities and ethical code on them as a basis for my criticism. Wrong is wrong. Lies are lies, but for some reason both side think that there is nothing wrong with telling lies. Those who get caught outright lying use plausible deniability to worm around the fact that they lied and suffer no consequence for their actions. There are two sets of laws in this world. One for those in power and one for the rest. Those in power suffer no consequence for breaking the law. Those not in power are protected only so long as they are in league with those who are in power. For the rest of us, we are prosecuted even if the facts say we are innocent.

Yet in many cases most everyone can see and agree that what is going on is wrong. Still, few ever voice the fact and still fewer attempt to do anything about it.

I was recently at my local Walmart and while shopping I was wearing a T-shirt my daughter had gotten me the prior Father’s Day. It said “Proud Infidel” on the chest. While shopping a woman approached me. She was quite angry. She asked “So I suppose you think wearing that shirt is funny?” I Replied. “Why yes I think its funny and actually is factual.

This triggered her, but I spoke over her angry words and told her that I am indeed an infidel. I do not believe in Islam or the Quran, so I am actually an infidel, and I am a proud Christen.

And of course the woman’s tirade shifted from me being insulting to Muslims to being racist. Too which I told here I was not. After all I’m married to a Palestinian and my children are all part middle-eastern. The whole conversation only lasted a few minutes as I simply didn’t care to hear her rhetoric and hate. I told her that while I could understand her reaction to the shirt and sympathize, her assumptions of me were wrong. That whether she liked or agreed with the situation I have every right to my opinion and my freedom of expression.

Funny thing is my daughter was there. A fact the woman pointed out, asking how I could expose her to such racism. I simply told her that my daughter was the one who bought me the shirt; which, was the truth.

It left the woman standing there dumbfounded and still very upset, having told her to educate herself better and to keep her comments to herself since she didn’t matter to me in the first place.

The point is, I know the shirt is potentially triggering for leftist. What I think is funny some would consider bad. I don’t care. I have every right to voice my opinions and express myself how I see fit. Just because some may not agree with my choices or my sense of humor doesn’t give them the right to attack me.

Sure I could have not been disrespectful, but then again I was met with blatant disrespect and a condescending attitude. I don’t do well with sheeple that open their mouths before they think, and especially when they don’t have a single legitimate argument about the point they are trying to push.

Uneducated people who profess to know what they are talking about piss me off. All to often they base their argument on their own feelings and what they think as apposed to actual facts. Talking out ones arse only proves your lack of education and your lack of intelligence. Unfortunately for people like that, I have a sarcastic need to prove this point and I’m often not very tactful in my methods.

Still; on a wider national spectrum, I think that this is exactly what needs to start happening, but in a much broader sense. Such people should be branded as the idiots they are and if untruthful actions accompany their idiocy, they should be held accountable.

I can’t help but wonder though.

How much of this narrative is actually ignorance and stupidity, and how much of it is actually given from malicious intent?

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